Pittsburgh Independent Film Festival


Congratulations to the Selected Films and Filmmakers !

Pittsburgh Independent Film Festival is proud to announce that this year  we have 60 films from around the world.

Official Selections and Schedule  for the

2013 Pittsburgh Independent Film Festival

Friday June 14, 2013

6 p.m.

Broadway’s Finest (88m, USA)

dir. By Stephen Marro

Feature Narrative

7:30 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

The Jumblies (4m, United Kingdom)

dir. by Robert Duncan


Dead Reckoning (14m, U S A)

dir. by Edward Plumb

Narrative Short / Webisode

Grounded (65m, U S A)
dir. by Sean Crowell

Feature Documentary

The Calm (3m, USA)

dir. by Carey McKelvey

Music Video

9:40 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A


Saturday June 15,2013

10 a.m.

Haunted by the Holocaust (18m, U S A)

dir. by Cory Levin

Documentary Short

Just Passing By (14m, U S A)

dir. by Susanne Dollnig

Documentary Short

United in Hope: A Global Journey (31m, Canada, U S A)

dir. by Terry Coyle

Documentary Short

Reborning (8m, U S A)

sub. by Helen Hood Scheer

Doucmentary Short

The Bonobo Connection (31m, U S A)

dir. by Irene Magafan

Doucmentary Short

11:45 a.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

11:55 a.m.

Everglades of the North: The Story of the Grand Kankakee Marsh (57m, U S A)

sub. by Patty Wisniewski 

Feature Documentary

Pole-itics (18m, U S A)

dir. by Emilee Wilson

Doucmentary Short

1:00 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

1:10 p.m.

Corno (78m, Canada)

dir. by Guy Edoin

Feature Documentary

2:45 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

2:55 p.m.

Love Stuffed (11m, United Kingdom)

dir. by Rupert Van Den Broek

Narrative Short

From the Woods (26m, U S A)

dir. by Nicolas Wendl

Narrative Short

The Firebird (25m, Australia)

dir. by Antonis Tsonis

Narrative Short

Changing Reels (6m, U S A)

dir. by Timothy M. Flaherty 

Narrative Short

The Gate Agent (17m, U S A)

dir. by Damiano Fusca 

Narrative Short

OSWALD (11m, U S A)

dir. by Alyssa Rallo Bennett

Narrative Short

4:30 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

4:40 p.m.

Black Steps (4m, Canada)

dir. by Dan Noah 

Music Video

Spaghetti für Zwei (19m, Germany)

dir. by Matthias Rosenberger

Narrative Short

Puncture (5m, Australia)

dir. by Edward Lyons

Narrative Short

Fancy (13m, U S A)

sub. by Brian Stone

Narrative Short

Intersection (7m, U S A)

sub. by dorothea paschalidou

Narrative Short

Pinball Donut Girl (11m, U S A)

dir. by Don Starnes

Narrative Short

Last Remnants (7m, U S A)

dir. by Charles Pieper

Narrative Short

Cold Soldier (14m, U S A)

dir. by Michael DiGiorgio

Narrative Short

6:00 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

6:10 p.m.

Get Down (22m, U S A)

dir. by Robbie Barclay

Narrative Short

Rain (14m, Australia)

dir. by Henry Boffin

Narrative Short

Girls Who Smoke (15m, U S A)

dir. by Tawny Foskett

Narrative Short

The Ladder (7m, U S A)

dir. by Pete Fitz 

Narrative Short

Driftwood (11m, United Kingdom)

dir. by James Webber

Narrative Short

Any Moment Now (23m, Australia)

dir. by Gary Glenn

Narrative Short

Dark Before Dawn (18m USA)

dir. by Christina Grozik

Narrative Short

8:00 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

8:15 p.m.

Headcase (88m, Canada)

dir. by Ken Simpson

Feature Narrative

9:50 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A


Sunday June 16, 2013

10:00 am


dir. by Camille Guichard

Feature Documentary

11:15 am

Filmmakers Q&A

11:25 am

Scarred Lands & Wounded Lives--The Environmental Footprint of War (68m, U S A)

dir. by Alice and Lincoln Day

Feature Documentary

12:35 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

12:45 p.m.

Walls of Sound: A Look Inside the House of Records (63m, U S A)

dir. by David Gracon

Feature Documentary

1:45 p.m.

Filmmakers Q&A

1:50 p.m.

Make A Wish (3m, U S A)

dir. by Hee Jin Kim


Kneejerk (2m, U S A)

dir. by Jordan Schmelzer

Music Video

The Worst (16m, U S A)

dir. by Larry Cohen

Narrative Short

Abyssus Abyssum Invocat (9m, U S A)

dir. by Wes Simpkins


Jack & Jill (12m, Australia)

dir. by Lloyd Harvey, Spencer Harvey

Narrative Short

Customer Service (11m, U S A)

dir. by Karin Kellly

Narrative Short


dir. by Brittany Portman


Make It a Great Day (7m, U S A)

dir. by Joshua Jones


Let Your Light Shine (3m, U S A)

sub. by Bridge and Tunnel Communications

Music Video

Genesis (3m, Singapore)

dir. by Isaac Kerlow



dir. by Alan Arrivée

Narrative Short

3:30 pm

Filmmakers Q&A


Losing LeBron (60m, U S A)

sub. by Nicole Hart

Feature Documentary

4:40 pm

Filmmakers Q&A

4:50 pm

Kayip (14m, Belgium, Turkey, U S A)

dir. by Mete Sozer

Narrative Short

Gorko! (6m, Russian Federation)

dir. by Dmitriy Sergin

Narrative Short

B.B.S.B. "Locolotion" Subtitled (3m, Japan)

dir. by Yuki Ogura

Music Video

The Missouri Strain (22m, U S A)

dir. by Wes Kotansky, Jr.

Narrative Short

King Tigermore In Strawberry Fields (3m, U S A)

dir. by Tunde Reid-Kapo


Lockwood (26m, U S A)

dir. by Donnie McCormick

Narrative Short

JackenJill (24m, Canada)

dir. by Frank Forrestall

Narrative Short

6:30 pm

Filmmakers Q&A

6:40 pm

Surviving Family (87m, U S A)

dir. by Laura Thies

Feature Narrative

8:10 pm

Filmmakers Q&A

8:20 pm

There Are No Goodbyes (99m, U S A)

dir. by John C. Lyons

Feature Narrative


Filmmakers Q&A

End Festival



Pittsburgh Independent Film  Festival TICKETS